This page is the first world wide web page for this new domain I am just starting up. Nothing to exciting yet but I will soon be talking all about picnics, picnic blankets and whatever else might come up as I develop the site and try to deliver information that can help you get outdoors and enjoy a nice meal.
Why Blankets?
A picnic blanket is perhaps an old fashioned kind of thing but it is also a symbol of picnicing. Seeing a picture of a picnic blanket out on a grassy field, perhaps with a picnic basket on it, conjures up a lot of good feelings and emotions for many people. It probably is true that many more people today enjoy picnics outdoors by sitting at a picnic or outdoor deck table than a blanket. Yet there is still a lot of utility to be had with a nice blanket. It can be used at sporting events, to get between you and the ground if you are in a place where there is no picnic table or can be used to wrap your picnic things in if they need to be protected from bugs or hot weather.